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Modernizing your Apps with containers

You learnt about the benefits of containers is now familiar with them?🛳 How are you planning to deploy them? Do you know you can get scalability and performance without going into the complexities of Kubernetes? 🔥 learn about the options available to deploy containers on Azure in my session at the Developers Conference 🇲🇺 👉 […]

Code Saturday: Docker and VSTS

Code Saturday: Docker and VSTS

Production Release – a dreaded expression in a lot software companies. In this session on using Docker and Visual Studio Online I went from a common scenario of a painful experience of production release to an (almost) fully automated process that offers reproducible results, reduction of human errors, and a comfortable way to rollback a release in case […]

Microsoft Bot Framework Basics: Building Intelligent Bots – Adding Sentiment Analytics (Part 4)

Microsoft Bot Framework Basics: Building Intelligent Bots – Adding Sentiment Analytics (Part 4)

Scope The following articles demonstrates the use of the Text Analytics API from Microsoft Cognitive Services in a bot using the Microsoft Bot Framework. This article will build on the previous articles about Bot Framework where the basics of building a bot,  the integration of Language Understanding API and Bing News API was demonstrated.The objective of this article is to […]

Microsoft Bot Framework Basics: Building Intelligent Bots – Adding Bing News API (Part 3)

Microsoft Bot Framework Basics: Building Intelligent Bots – Adding Bing News API (Part 3)

Scope The following articles demonstrates the use of the Bing News API from Microsoft Cognitive Services in a bot using the Microsoft Bot Framework. This article will build on the previous articles about Bot Framework where the basics of building a bot and the integration of Language Understanding API was demonstrated.The objective is to allow a user to send […]

Microsoft Bot Framework Basics: Building Intelligent Bots – Adding Language Understanding Capability (Part 2)

Microsoft Bot Framework Basics: Building Intelligent Bots – Adding Language Understanding Capability (Part 2)

Scope The following article demonstrates how to use LUIS to add conversational intelligence to your apps. The focus will be about creating and consuming Language Understanding Models. We’ll add Language Understanding capabilities to the news bot from the previous article. After this article, the bot will be able to interpret English language and map sentences to […]