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Advanced Analytics & AI

Query Unstructured Data From SQL Server Using PolyBase

Query Unstructured Data From SQL Server Using PolyBase

Scope The following article demonstrates how unstructured data and relational data can be queried, joined and processed in a single query using PolyBase, a new feature in SQL Server 2016. Pre-Requisites Introduction to Big Data Analytics Using Microsoft Azure  Big Data Analytics Using Hive on Microsoft Azure  Analyze Twitter Data With Hive in Azure HDInsight  Running […]

TNWiki Article Spotlight – Creating and Deploying Microsoft Azure WebJobs

TNWiki Article Spotlight – Creating and Deploying Microsoft Azure WebJobs

Hello World! One of my articles was again featured in the TechNet Wiki Spotlight. This time it is the article  Creating and Deploying Microsoft Azure WebJobs . TechNet Wiki blog link: http://blogs.technet.com/b/wikininjas/archive/2016/03/08/tnwiki-article-spotlight-creating-and-deploying-microsoft-azure-webjobs.aspx

TNWiki Article Spotlight – Azure HDInsight on Linux

TNWiki Article Spotlight – Azure HDInsight on Linux

Time for the TNWiki Article Spotlight again! The article I written on Azure HDInsight was featured on the TechNet Wiki blog! Article: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/32605.azure-hdinsight-on-linux.aspx Blog: http://blogs.technet.com/b/wikininjas/archive/2015/12/15/tnwiki-article-spotlight-azure-hdinsight-on-linux.aspx

Running Hadoop on Linux using Azure HDInsight

Running Hadoop on Linux using Azure HDInsight

Prerequisite An Azure subscription: See Get Azure free trial. Putty SSH Client For an in depth introduction to Hadoop and Hive and its application using Azure Insight, read the following Wikis Big Data Analytics using Microsoft Azure: Introduction Big Data Analytics using Microsoft Azure: Hive Analyze Twitter data with Hive in Azure HDInsight Introduction Azure HDInsight […]

Text Analytics API With Azure Machine Learning

Scope This article is about demonstrating the use of Machine Learning to do Sentiment Analysis on texts. Introduction Sentiment Analysis is the process of detecting the feeling or the mood of a person when writing a text (technically called contextual polarity). In other words, it determines whether a piece of writing is positive, negative or […]

Analyze Twitter data with Hive in Azure HDInsight

Analyze Twitter data with Hive in Azure HDInsight

Social Media Analytics is one of the major uses of Big Data. The following article article demonstrates how to use Hive in Azure HDInsight to analyse Twitter feeds.In this article, feeds about “Mauritius” shall be extracted and Analysed using Azure HDInslight.This article explains the whole process of analyzing Tweets using Hive, from gathering the Tweets […]