Celebrating My 10th Article and Interview on the Microsoft TechNet Wiki
I heard about the Microsoft TechNet community a long long time ago but started to look at the Wiki only last year. Once a week I used to go and do some reading as the articles are of really high quality and the writers often share their own experiences and include lots of tips that help a lot.
At the same time, I started to use Azure Machine Learning and thought, why not write an article about it. So, I wrote my first article on the 13 Sep 2014 which is Predictive Analytics with Microsoft Azure Machine Learning. And this was how my first article was born. Surprisingly enough, this article featured in the TechNet Wiki article spotlight and also won the Microsoft TechNet Gold Guru Award for the month of September 2014.
Since then, I started to contribute regularly to the Microsoft TechNet community, not only by writing articles, but also, by editing and tweaking tons of articles written by other community members.
Below is a list of all articles I wrote in the past months:
TechNet Guru Awards
Below is all the Microsoft TechNet Guru Awards I obtained:
TechNet Wiki Article Spotlight
Below is a list of my articles that featured in the TechNet Wiki Article Spotlight
Wiki Ninja Belts
The ninja belts is an award system dedicated to TechNet Wiki. Many people will question why TechNet Wiki would even receive value in its own reward system. After all, TechNet Wiki is combined into the Profile Rewards systems… Recognition Points and Achievement Medals. And it is taken into account with some community-influence awards. Well, this system focuses squarely on rewarding only one thing… Contributing on TechNet Wiki!!
After the contributions listed above, I climbed the belt system in the month of May 2015 to Orange belt. Below is the requirements to reach this belt.

Ninjas: To see who currently holds this belt, see this belt’s section in the Belt Status article.
- Silver Achievement Medal: Wiki Contributor II – You wrote 10 articles, and 6 of them have 500 views.
- Silver Achievement Medal: Wiki Commentator II – You left 35 comments.
- Benchmark – You placed in the Top Weekly Contributors 3 times.
- Featured Wiki Ninja – We feature your accomplishments as a Wiki Ninja with a blog post dedicated to you
- Tweet – We tweet about your featured blog post
Finally, I’ve been surprised when Ed contacted me to feature in the Wiki Ninjas Interview for October. Link to Interview is here.
This has been an amazing experience so far with lots of learning opportunities and also meeting several Tech Experts throughout the world.
Thank you TechNet Wiki and see you for another update in December! 🙂